Saturday, August 31, 2013

Review: Secret Daughter by Shilpi Somaya Gowda

This was our book club read for July.  I have to admit that I procrastinated reading this book until the very last possible moment.  This isn't my typical book choice, and when I have so many books on my To-Read list it's really hard to start something that's not.  It's kind of like school.  If it's not interesting to me then you might not get 100% effort from me.  Well, I was pleasantly surprised with this book.  It was able to capture my attention and I ended up reading it in four days.  

Secret Daugter by Shilpi Somaya Gowda
Rating: 3 1/2 wine glasses

This book is about two very different families and the one thing they have in common.  These stories are beautifully told.

Kavita and Jasu starting a family in India, where having daughters was a punishment.  These girls were often disposed of and if they were lucky ended up in orphanages.  Not being able to allow another daughter suffer the same fate as her first, Kavita secretly traveled days on foot, hours after giving birth, to allow her daughter some chance by giving her up for adoption. 

Somer and Krishnan having suffered through multiple miscarriages and discovering that they would never be able to have a child of their own, sought adoption from Kris' home in India. 

Asha the little girls story of adoption, growth, development, rebellion, and understanding.  Through a school project she travels to India and discovers who she really is.

I experienced a lot during this book. I was the mother who had to give her daughter up for adoption, living in a culture where women served a purpose to cook and clean, and were required to bear sons.

I was a mother who adopted a child from another country and experienced the difficulties of connecting to this child who you loved with all of your heart.

I was a daughter who was adopted and felt the emotions of not belonging and the determination of finding out who I am.

I'm not going to lie.  This book touched me and I was an emotional wreck at the end of it.


  1. It's exciting to know this was a pretty good book! I've had it on my TBR list, but wasn't sure if I would actually pick up a copy and read it. :)

    1. I most definitely recommend it. Very touching and emotional story for me.

  2. That sounds like a beautiful book! I'll have to make sure and look it up. Great review! :D


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